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What is breadcrumbs – Why is it so Important?


You can often see breadcrumbs on websites and hence you should think about how to add bread-crumbs in WordPress.

Breadcrumbs are also known as breadcrumbs. The meaning comes from a fairy tale. A clever boy used bread crumbs along the way to find his way, but in reality, bread-crumbs are a very important component in the navigation system of the particular website. When for eCommerce sites with hundreds or thousands of products.

This article will help you answer the question: What are bread-crumbs? What are the benefits of breadcrumbs? How to add breadcrumbs to website in less time?

What is breadcrumbs?

If you’ve ever shopped online, chances are you’ve already seen the link at the top of the website. They are a series of navigation links that link to each other to let visitors know where they are in the website.

Breadcrumbs are similar to navigation menus but they are created as you navigate the website. Breadcrumbs are a collection of hierarchical links, showing the first page you visit and the next pages.

In fact, on Dieuhau you can even find bread-crumbs. Breadcrumbs will appear when you click on an article.

You will often see them on e-commerce websites like Amazon, TheDevKit as you have access to a wide range of products and categories.

Most of these bread-crumbs will appear at the top of the website and users can click on any link to go back and view their browsing history.

importance of breadcrumbs

Most companies choose to use breadcrumbs for two reasons:

  1. Breadcrumbs help users navigate your website.
  2. Breadcrumbs are good for SEO.

As for user experience, sometimes navigation menus are not enough to guide users and make them comfortable with their position on your site.

TheDevKit has thousands of products and products. When customers start searching for products, there will be categories immediately by manufacturer like themes, plugins (Codecayan, ThemeForest, Yoast…).

If the person wants to go back, the navigation menu (or search bar) may not help them get back to their desired location. Instead, it’s easier for customers to see the page they visited, then click on the page they want to return.

In short, most brands use bread-crumbs when the content is too complex for navigation menus to filter through. So if you have thousands of products, files or blog posts, then Breadcrumbs is the best option for you.

It is also related to SEO as bread-crumbs help search engines to appear in search results. It has enhanced structural links, so search engines can crawl more easily and feel your site with great user experience.

How to Add Breadcrumbs to WordPress Using a Theme

Once you have decided that breadcrumbs are necessary for your site, it is time to activate or add breadcrumbs in WordPress for the website you are in use.

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If you are building a new website with a lot of content, you should look for a WordPress theme that supports the breadcrumbs available. For example, breadcrumbs are available in some of the following themes:

  • Voice – Theme is used on Hawks.
  • Newspapers – Themes for news and magazines.
  • MyHome – Real Estate Theme.
  • BeTheme – Miscellaneous themes.
  • Flatsome – Sales Theme.
  • Shopkeeper – eCommerce Theme.

In fact, it seems that most e-commerce themes today have bread-crumbs. Developers tend to have a large number of products in mind, so you probably need breadcrumbs, so this stuff really makes sense.

Create Breadcrumbs on WordPress with Plugin

If you want to insert breadcrumbs into a website and you don’t want to use themes that already have this feature, you can use the plugin.

Yoast SEO plugin is a tool that you must have installed on your website (for SEO purposes). This is the best SEO support plugin for website using WordPress SEO as the main function of this plugin, Yoast SEO plugin has many functions including breadcrumb generation function.

Step 1: Add Yoast SEO Plugin to Your Website

If you already have Yoast installed and activated, skip this step. For those without Yoast, visit the plugin page to download and install it. You can also manipulate the dashboard in WordPress by going to Plugins » Add New, then typing “Yost SEO” into the search bar.

Yoast SEO provides the function of creating Bread-crumbs on the website and you should also learn about the SEO features of Yoast. This will not only improve search engine ranking but will also tell you how to do it.

Step 2: Enable the Breadcrumbs function

By default, this feature isn’t enabled on Yoast yet, so you’ll need to start by clicking on the Dashboard tab.

Select the Paths tab.

Click “Activate”.

You will then see some other options like the space between the objects in the path, the name of the home page of the path, etc.

Once enabled, several other settings are displayed below. Most of these items are loaded with default settings, so leave them as they are. However, you may want to change the way they work such as highlighting the last page in the breadcrumb list.

Some types of posts have “categorization displayed in breadcrumbs” depending on your setting. You can leave these items blank if you’re not interested in having brea-dcrumbs for the post, but you can also customize them if you want. Make sure you click the Save button before leaving this page.

Step 3: Add code to display breadcrumbs in website

If the theme you are using is not supported, please add the following code:

<? php
if (function_exists ('yoast_breadcrumb')) {
yoast_breadcrumb ('
<p id = "breadcrumbs">', '</p>

You can put the code wherever you want. Some of the most popular places:

in single.php file.
In page.php (above the title of the page).
at the end of the Header.php file.
Note: We recommend using child themes for any changes to the main theme files. That way, you can still install updates to the theme without losing your customizations.

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